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Проекты в Романово
На территории "Деревни" развернуто полноценное молочное производство и ферма.
Наши продукты
Каждый день коровы дают около 80 л молока, из которого мы делаем сыр, сметану, творог и масло. Наша продукция очень вкусная и абсолютно натуральная. Сейчас мы производим сыры 2 сортов: качота и рикотта . Вкус и ценность каждой головки сыра зависят от ее выдержки.

Один цикл изготовления сыра занимает несколько часов, эта работа требует аккуратности и тепрения. Один из постоянных участников проекта прошел курс обучения работе на сыроварне у ее производителей. Теперь этот молодой человек приезжает в деревню каждую неделю на два дня, выполняет весь процесс производства совершенно самостоятельно и получает заработную плату за свою работу.

Так же участники заезда помогают взвешивать и упаковывать молочные продукты, убираться на ферме и ухаживать за животными.

Мы стараемся максимально задействовать ребят во всех этапах молочного производства.
За время существования проекта в нем приняло учатие около 50 молодых людей.
Как все начиналось?
История реабилитации в деревне Верхнее Романово началась в 2005 году с коня по кличке Гипюр и иппотрепевтических курсов при Федерации лечебной верховой езды в центре «Наш Солнечный Мир».

Тогда же в деревне гостил наш друг, и оказалось, что регулярные занятия на Гипюре помогают ему избавиться от болей в спине. Чуть позже был первый опыт работы в иппотерапии в лагере для детей с особенностями развития центра «Живая нить»...

В 2006 году в Серпухове, в центре «Меридиан», был организован круглый стол для врачей и педагогов, занимающихся реабилитацией и физиотерапией. На круглый стол приехала основатель иппотерапии в России Ноэми Семеновна Роберт и прекрасные специалисты в этой области — Вера Еланская и Инна Карпенкова, общение с которыми нас очень вдохновило.

В течение следующих нескольких лет в деревне проводились иппотерапевтические занятия, а основными посетителями были подростки и взрослые люди с нарушениями опорно-двигательного аппарата.

В 2012 году ведущая молодежного клуба центра «Наш Солнечный Мир» Наташа Климонтович предложила организовать выезд участников клуба в деревню Верхнее Романово для получения ими опыта проживания без родителей.

Пробный заезд длился около недели и прошел на ура. Вскоре такие заезды стали регулярными. Так возник наш первый проект для людей с ментальными и психическими нарушениями — «Деревня».

Год спустя по инициативе педагогов центра «Наш Солнечный Мир» появился наш второй проект — «Интенсив в Романово». Целью этого проекта стала организация качественной реабилитационной помощи семьям из тех регионов, на территории которых отсутствует система педагогического сопровождения детей с нарушениями развития и поддержки их родителей.

На сегодняшний день мы стали самостоятельной организацией, а наши проекты развиваются и растут. Спасибо всем, кто помогал и помогает нам в нашей работе!
Перед каждым заездом педагоги составляют общую программу занятий и работы, учитывая цели и задачи приехавших ребят.
Кому помогаем
Мы работаем с детьми от 2-х лет, с подростками и взрослыми с ментальными и психическими нарушениями. Для детей с родителями мы проводим двухнедельные курсы интенсивной психолого-педагогической реабилитации, а для подростков от 16 лет реализуем различные по продолжительности варианты сопровождаемого проживания.

Project "Intensive"

The development and upbringing of a special child is a difficult path both for the child himself and for his loved ones. At some stages of this path, parents have more questions than answers: how and what to do? what skills to focus on? how to help a child to speak? how to teach to play? How to develop household skills? Read more
The development and upbringing of a special child is a difficult path both for the child himself and for his loved ones.
Abot project
The development and upbringing of a special child is a difficult path both for the child himself and for his loved ones. At some stages of this path, parents have more questions than answers: how and what should you do? what skills to focus on? how to help a child to speak? how to teach to play? How to develop household skills?
At the intensive course in the village of Verkhnee Romanovo, specialists from 7 different directions combine their knowledge and skills to enable the child to take a significant step forward in his development. And also in order to help the loved ones of the child understand how, what and why it is necessary to do with him in order to achieve maximum progress.
Who can benefit from an intensive rehabilitation course in Verkhny Romanovo?
• Families who have recently learned about problems in their child's development.
• Parents and children who have been in rehabilitation for a long time, but want to learn more about rehabilitation methods and an integrated approach to compensating for violations.
• Mothers and fathers who want to learn how to independently deal with their child and build his correction route.
Parents who come to rehabilitation with a child must be present at all classes. Teachers of each direction explain what, why and why they do with the child, show how and what will need to be done at home in order to continue the program developed at the intensive course.
We work with children from 2 to 16 years old with:
• Autism spectrum disorders
• Disorders of the musculoskeletal system
• Various speech disorders
• Delayed intellectual development
• Behavioral problems
The teachers of our course work with children of all levels of development and have experience in solving a variety of rehabilitation problems. And also - our employees love their work, worry about its result, look for the most effective methods of correction and root for the success of children!
Applied Behavior Analysis
It stands for ABA - Applied Behavior Analysis. One of the most effective methods of working with children with various disabilities. Based on the analysis of the level of development of the child's skills, the functions of his behavior and the obstacles he has to learning, the PAP specialist draws up an individual protocol. The protocol includes work on least formed skills, on unwanted behaviors, and more. For example, using PAP you can:
• teach your child to use the toilet
• significantly reduce the manifestation of undesirable behavior (tantrums, aggression, shouting, etc.).
• form an imitation
• choose a system of alternative communication (teach how to make requests and communicate with others)
• work on eating behavior (teach yourself how to eat, introduce new foods)
• to form social, household and other skills
• work on a variety of challenges and challenges.
Game speech therapy
A game speech therapist is a person who does not so much correct the pronunciation of sounds as motivates the child to use speech. By playing with the child, the teacher creates conditions in which the child has a desire to speak. For some, these will be the first meaningful sounds tied to an action or object, for others, words or phrases.
The work is built in accordance with the level of the child's speech development (we also work with non-verbal children). Specially organized play and speech environment allows: to evoke sounds and sound imitation in the child, to teach to pronounce words, to overcome echolalia, to help in the construction of phrases, to work on grammatical constructions, to expand the active and passive vocabulary, to correct the manifestations of dysarthria, etc. Being in constant dialogue with parents, a speech therapist will show those techniques that will help you work on the child's speech development outside of class, in a child's natural environment.
Productive activity
This type of correctional work is aimed at:
• to form or improve hand-eye coordination (that is, to teach the child to look at his hands and control their movements when carrying out manual activities)
• to form joint attention, the ability to interact with the teacher and act according to the instructions
• help the child learn to stay in the activity (not to be distracted, perform the required sequence of actions, hold the goal, track the result).
• to form ideas about the body scheme and about various images (how the objects around us, animals, etc.)
• to form or improve grapho-motor skills, drawing skills, small motorboat
• work with an understanding of the plot and logical connections
• expand your ideas about yourself and the world around you
• teach you to interact with visual materials in a variety of ways and enjoy it.
Violation of the general course of the child's development is reflected in the motor sphere.
Kinesotherapy is a type of corrective training aimed at working with the child's body and at correcting his motor functions. Movements give the child the opportunity to explore the world and communicate with others. The motor sphere is a mirror of the child's state on the one hand, and on the other, it makes it possible to influence his development. In kinesiotherapy classes, the following tasks are solved:
• work with deep sensitivity, the formation of ideas from your own body
• overcoming the difficulties of visual and auditory perception
• normalization of tone
• automation of simple motor acts
• stabilization of the equilibrium function
• development of serosomotor coordination
• teaching the child to perform precise movements
• development of the communicative sphere and skills of keeping active attention.
Game interaction
The game is the leading activity of children under 7 years old. It is by playing that the child learns to communicate, see a partner, follow the rules, develop relationships, thinking, fantasy, self-control. The game helps in the formation of all mental functions of the baby.
Children's play goes through many stages of development. Often, children with disabilities are unable to develop the game on their own and go through the stages of its formation.
Game interaction is a method based on the free play of a teacher and a child. In the course of the lesson, thanks to the creation of motivational play situations, children with special needs learn to build emotional contact and communication, to act arbitrarily, to hold attention, to show play initiative, to make a choice, to follow the sequence, to plan actions.
Plus, game interaction classes are always fun and exciting!
Sitting on a horse, the child finds himself in a completely new situation for him, which effectively launches his adaptive capabilities. In other words, hippotherapy creates a unique therapeutic environment in which the child has to use all his resources: turn on attention, turn off ignorance, mobilize physical strength and volitional sphere.
An emotionally rich atmosphere, special exercises, communication with an animal - all this allows you to work on a whole range of problems. Thus, in the lesson, there is a corrective effect on the emotional-volitional and motor spheres, on the visual-spatial orientation, as well as the child's communicative and speech abilities are activated. When horseback riding, almost all muscle groups are simultaneously included in the work - trying to maintain balance, the rider reflexively uses his entire body. All of the above creates a therapeutic situation that has a complex effect on the child.
It is also very important that hippotherapy classes are fun, interesting, unusual and, as a rule, give great pleasure to children.
Play folklore group
Rhythmic round dance games with multiple repetitions of words and tasks create a soft structure in which it is easier for a child who has difficulties in communicating with peers to learn the basics of interaction. As a rule, 2 to 4 children and their parents participate in a play group.
During games, situations are created for the development of imitation, for a conscious choice (who will be next in the round dance), to fix attention on the people around, to separate from the mother and perceive her as a full-fledged play partner.
The games that we use during classes vary in level of difficulty: from the simplest (puzzles and nursery rhymes) to complex (with rules and a competitive element). The selection of games depends on the age and skill level of the children in the group. Therefore, in the intensive course, children are divided into mini-groups, all participants in each of which are at approximately the same stage of development.
Working with parents
• Training seminars (for each of the directions presented at the intensive)
• Group and individual meeting with a psychologist who specializes in working with families raising a special child. Read more
Before each arrival, the teachers draw up a general program of classes and work, taking into account the goals and objectives of the children who have arrived.
About project
In addition to practicing household and work skills, classes are held aimed at developing communication and social skills (special games, trainings, discussions, learning how to handle money, and much more).
We also pay great attention to the leisure and recreation of the participants of the arrival: we organize discos, celebrate holidays and children's birthdays. We also read books together, watch films and discuss them, walk and just talk to each other.
- arrivals take place once a month.
- arrival lasts from 5 to 10 days.
- from 5 to 15 children take part in each race, the age of the participants is from 16 to 40 years old.
- all participants of the races live in the village without parents.
- during the races, a team of teachers and tutors works in the village.
- each participant is selected a suitable type of work and leisure activities.
- the degree of pedagogical support for each of the young people depends on the severity of their violations and the level of independence.
Each intensive course lasts 13 days. Every day the child and the parent attend 7 classes, each of which lasts from 40 to 50 minutes.
This is how the program of the "Intensive" project looks like
Day 1
Day 1
Check-in to the village. Accommodation for families. Examination of children by a team of teachers, acquaintance.
Day 2—6
Day 2—6
During the program, every day a child with a parent attends 7 classes, each of which lasts from 40 to 50 minutes.
Day 7
Day 7
Day off
Day 8—12
Day 8—12
We schedule daily activities based on the children's daily sleep schedule. In the evenings, all children are invited to adapted fairy tales, musical evenings and a children's disco.
Day 13
Day 13
Each race involves 6 families. Children with their parents live in a wooden house, above the stable, in separate double rooms. Toilets and showers are located in the hallway.
In the dining room on the same floor, the chef prepares homemade food (meals are three times a day, but you can always go into the dining room to make yourself tea or coffee). If the child follows a gluten-free, goosein-free or any other diet - our chef will prepare food especially for him. Read more
Each race involves 6 families. Children with their parents live in a wooden house, above the stable, in separate double rooms.
Toilets and showers (4 toilets and two showers) are located in the hallway. In the dining room on the same floor, the chef prepares homemade food (meals are three times a day, but you can always go into the dining room to make yourself tea or coffee). If the child follows a gluten-free, goosein-free or any other diet, our chef will prepare food especially for him.
We have refrigerators and a microwave that you can use at any time. There is a washing machine that you can always start yourself.
In the common playroom, children can take a break from their activities. Evening seminars are also held there. All classes with specialists are held in the neighboring knowledge, and hippotherapy - nearby in the arena. There is a small playground on the territory. Lovers of walking can reach the river and a small beach, walk in the field or in the village - the places around are very beautiful. The nearest supermarket, Dixie, can be reached in about 20-25 minutes on an asphalt road. But if you have no desire to go so far, you can order what you need, and we will definitely bring it to you!
What do we think is important?
Working with parents
It is important for us to teach parents how and what to do with children after the end of the course. Therefore, we welcome the presence of parents in all classes.
Joyful activities
We do not practice a rigid style of working with children. We believe that a child is immeasurably better at learning any material and skills in those classes where he feels good.
All directions are needed
We do not single out more or less useful directions in corrective work. All areas presented in our course are equally important and provide a versatile pedagogical impact. We are for an integrated approach!
Creating a special environment
You can and should do it not only during classes. Corrective work continues in the natural environment, and not only in the offices of specialists: during meals, leisure and evening activities.
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Most popular questions from our clients
How to get additional information about the Intensive project and find out the cost of participation?
For more information, call the project administrator by phone: (926) 274-17-82
Can I bring a brother / sister with a special child?
Of course, in this case, you will only pay for the food for the second child (for children under 2 years old, food is free). And we will be happy to include a brother or sister in group classes and leisure activities.
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Project "Village" (hereinafter referred to as "Project") cares about the privacy of its users' data. We have developed a privacy policy that defines the rules for the collection, storage, use, disclosure and transmission of information about users.
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